Tiff Tiff Dream Life
About Tiff Tiff Dream Life
'Tiff Tiff Dream Life' 'as a platform to share high quality health and beauty products, which collected from worldwide, with the trial of the owner. A rigorous selection from our shop to ensure the effectiveness and quality, and to take care of your needs to beauty, safety and health in order to glow yourself to be confident and lovely female.
More About Tiff Tiff Dream Life
Language spoken: Cantonese,Mandarin,English
Business Specialties: Focus on Beauty & Health in the anti-aging
Years of Experience: 5
Education: University
Qualifications, Experience and Certificates: Degree in Psychology , Degree in Accounting, Qualification in accountant in ACCA & HKICPA
Location Map
Hong Kong
Exclusive Offers
Whitening Toothpaste: 63% change
Amazing for coffee, wine & nicotine stains. (Coupon is provided for body spa )
HK$90 only , 110g
Tiff Tiff Dream Life
Hong Kong
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