Lazy Cat Yoga
About Lazy Cat Yoga
“Yoga is the path of purification of character and conduct wherein the highest state of reality and truth may shine undiminished in the hearts and minds of all beings. The universal principles of spiritual disciplines can elevate the seeker into eternal God communion. This is the true goal of yoga.” Sri Dharma Mittra. Namaste, salutations to guru Sri Dharma Mittra, mentors Sri Andrei Ram Om, Joakim Olin, Kim Jeblick, Yoshio Hama and the yogis and yoginis who I have met in my journey. Lazy Cat Yoga was born due to your inspiration, please accept my deepest gratitude to you all!! I believe Yoga is a spiritual practice which allows our mind to soften and our heart to open. By practicing yoga, the healing wisdom that lives within our body is able to been awakened, which can bring positive affect to our emotional well-being and heal the short and long term physical difficulties. Lazy Cat Yoga is not about me, in fact I am nothing and nobody, I am only here to share my little knowledge. Please use me as a tool to reconnect to the divine and explore the unlimited power within you. Be receptive, help heal yourself with the power of Yoga. It does a great job to me that’s why I am here today!! Missions : 1) To promote Yoga based on the teaching methods received from Sri Dharma Mittra. 2) Classes will cover asana, pranayama and meditation. 3) To spread the message of love, kindness and healthy living into the society, make the world a better place to live. 我深信修煉瑜伽可以為大家帶來前所未有的愉快感覺, 受惠的不止是身體, 還可以為困擾的情緒帶來療癒. 從肢離破碎到身心暢快健康, 我親身經歷了瑜伽的神奇力量, 在此邀請您前來和我一起體驗這遠古流傳下來的千年智慧-瑜伽-如何令您與自己的身體, 呼吸, 精神連結, 從而成為一個更快樂的人!
More About Lazy Cat Yoga
Language spoken: Cantonese,Mandarin,English
Business Specialties: LazyCat Yoga 懶惰貓瑜伽 LazyCat Move 舞動瑜伽 Yoga Stretch 伸展瑜伽 Yoga Basic 基礎瑜伽 Gentle Flow 流動瑜伽 Master Class 綜合瑜伽 Yoga Balance 平衡瑜伽 Yoga Healing 療癒瑜伽 Aerial Dance 空中舞動 Aerial Stretch 空中伸展 Aerial Yoga 空中瑜伽
Years of Experience:
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Location Map
Workshop K, 7/F, Valiant Industrial Centre, 2 – 12 Au Pui Wan Street. Fo Tan. New Territories
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