cosYoga 提供多元化瑜伽課程, 空中瑜伽, 哈達瑜伽, 瑜伽治療, 修身瑜伽, 陰瑜伽等.... 我們致力提供舒適的環境讓大家練習瑜伽 cosYoga 的小班教學讓每位學生都得到正確的指導及協助
More About COSYOGA
Language spoken: English
Business Specialties: cosYoga is a boutique yoga studio and teach in a small group to focus every students' needs. We want to provide a cosy and relaxed environment where you can enjoy yoga. We provide a variety of yoga class such as aerial yoga, hatha yoga, yoga therapy, yoga fit, yin yoga etc...
Years of Experience: 2
Qualifications, Experience and Certificates:
Location Map
26/F., Wing Sing Commercial Building, 2 Wing Sang Lane, Yaumatei, Kowloon.
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